We have been behind you for 30 years!
You can count on us in every settlement! Also where an operator is present at the cemetery.
With the helpful, attentive and careful administration of our employees, we want to take all the burden off your shoulders, so that you can fulfill your obligations in connection with the death with as little investigation as possible. Long & The employees of Tóth Temetkezesi Kft. have been dealing with funerals since 1993In Kisvárda, Záhony, Pátrohá, Zsurko, Döge, Nyírkarász, Vásárosnamény and in the surrounding settlements.
A member of our company isof the National Association of Hungarian Funeral Service Providers. Our managing director, Zsolt Tibor Tóth, is a board member of the professional organization founded in 1997.
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What to do in case of death? Death always hits the relatives of the deceased unexpectedly, the loss of a loved one always creates a void in our lives, when we become confused, we don't know what to do in the next moments, minutes and hours. Contact us so we can help you as soon as possible!
Dying at home
When home deaths occur, the family doctor or the on-call physician should be notified and summoned to the residence to personally confirm the fact of death. Once the doctor completes the necessary official paperwork, they have the authority to determine the deceased's transportability. The family can choose a funeral service provider for the transportation of the deceased. However, this does not mean that the funeral must be arranged only with the funeral home responsible for transporting the deceased. It is advisable to inquire about prices from other funeral service providers before placing an order, as it might be possible to arrange the funeral at a lower cost with another provider, despite promised discounts. Our staff can provide more detailed information regarding the steps outlined above upon your inquiry.
Death in hospital
In the case of a death occurring at the hospital, the first step is to contact the hospital department responsible for caring for the deceased. If the family does not wish to handle this themselves, they can entrust our company with the comprehensive arrangement, including obtaining all the necessary documents required for organizing the funeral. For inquiries regarding the aforementioned steps, it is advisable to visit our office, where you can receive thorough assistance in a calm environment.
Death in a public place
If a death occurs in a public area, on the premises of a public institution, on public transportation, or displays signs of foul play or self-inflicted harm, it is considered an extraordinary death. In such cases, it is necessary to notify the relevant police authorities before the post-mortem examination. The designated local representative of the police will arrange for the transportation of the deceased after the post-mortem examination.
Dying in a nursing home
In the event of a death at a nursing home, the institution itself takes care of the transportation of the deceased. Therefore, it is possible to provide the institution with the details of the funeral service provider you wish to collaborate with in the event of a death when you move into the facility. For a respectful and impeccable transportation and comprehensive arrangement, it is advisable to leave the contact information of Hosszú & Tóth Funeral Services at the nursing home. This will facilitate the process during a difficult time.
Death abroad
In the case of a death occurring beyond the country's borders, special permits are required to facilitate the repatriation of the deceased. The Death Certificate Extract and the authorization from the territorially competent district medical service are necessary in all cases. You can entrust us with handling these compassionate procedures as well. We ensure the swift and cost-effective repatriation of your loved one, within the shortest timeframe possible.
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