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Exact information about the funeral.

Our company will do everything to ensure that this difficult period does not mean even more trials for you in addition to emotional burdens. In the following, we would like to help you in making the necessary arrangements transparent and planable.

After the necessary documents are available, we invite you to our funeral reception office so that we can discuss the details of the farewell ceremony in accordance with the will and wishes of both the deceased and you. 

Coffin funeral management

Receiving clothes

Selection of cemetery and date

Preparation of funeral price calculation

Choosing a farewell person

Sending an obituary

Hamvak kiadása

The process of the coffin funeral can be continued with the receipt of the clothing brought to our office after the necessary documents are available. Clothing can be festive or favorite clothing.

In that case, we take the cemetery according to the deceased's last will or designated by you as the location of the farewell ceremony. We clarify whether the deceased will be buried in a new or existing grave.

After choosing the cemetery, we can coordinate the funeral date that suits everyone with you, the person saying goodbye, the chosen cemetery and our company's schedule.

In order to create a price calculation, the first step is to select the funeral supplies needed for the funeral (e.g. coffin, crucifix, crucifix, handkerchief, mourning ribbon). In addition to the funeral supplies, the Family or the Undertaker also indicates the services that can be requested. Our available services include, for example, sound reinforcement, background music, or the use of a mortuary.

The range of services includes the selection of the farewell person. According to the world view, the Grieving Family can ask for a church or civil farewell person. The civil farewell person, the orator, whom our company will contact, but he will contact you in the future for the details of the farewell speech. You can order this service through our company, but the people saying goodbye are not Hosszú & Employees of Tóth Temetkezezi Kft. Their remuneration will be arranged at the personal meeting with them.

In the case of a church funeral, the regional parish priest must be contacted and asked to attend the farewell. He should also be approached if he is not the priest chosen to say goodbye. In such cases, His permission is required so that another priest can perform the farewell. Of course, we will also help and negotiate on your behalf.

You can notify your friends about the death and funeral on our social media page and on our website. Our administrative colleagues will help you in drafting and sending this obituary. We can notify family members, friends, and acquaintances who live far away by delivering a Grievance Report even electronically.

Contact us with confidence, you can count on our support!

A Család kérésére kiadhatók a hamvak. Ebben az esetben azonban egy hivatalos nyilatkozatot kell kitöltenie annak a személynek, akinél elhelyezésre kerülnek az elhunyt hamvai. A nyilatkozatban vállalni kell a hozzátartozók kegyeleti jogának biztosítását, az az, a megadott címen lehetővé kell tennie a nyilatkozónak a rokonok, ismerősök látogatását az elhunyt földi maradványainál. 

Keressen minket bizalommal, támogató segítségünkre számíthat! 

Coffin funeral management

Receiving clothes

Selection of cemetery and date

Preparation of funeral price calculation

Choosing a farewell person

Sending an obituary

The process of the coffin funeral can be continued with the receipt of the clothing brought to our office after the necessary documents are available. Clothing can be festive or favorite clothing.

In that case, we take the cemetery according to the deceased's last will or designated by you as the location of the farewell ceremony. We clarify whether the deceased will be buried in a new or existing grave.

After choosing the cemetery, we can coordinate the funeral date that suits everyone with you, the person saying goodbye, the chosen cemetery and our company's schedule.

In order to create a price calculation, the first step is to select the funeral supplies needed for the funeral (e.g. coffin, crucifix, crucifix, handkerchief, mourning ribbon). In addition to the funeral supplies, the Family or the Undertaker also indicates the services that can be requested. Our available services include, for example, sound reinforcement, background music, or the use of a mortuary.

The range of services includes the selection of the farewell person. According to the world view, the Grieving Family can ask for a church or civil farewell person. The civil farewell person, the orator, whom our company will contact, but he will contact you in the future for the details of the farewell speech. You can order this service through our company, but the people saying goodbye are not Hosszú & Employees of Tóth Temetkezezi Kft. Their remuneration will be arranged at the personal meeting with them.

In the case of a church funeral, the regional parish priest must be contacted and asked to attend the farewell. He should also be approached if he is not the priest chosen to say goodbye. In such cases, His permission is required so that another priest can perform the farewell. Of course, we will also help and negotiate on your behalf.

You can notify your friends about the death and funeral on our social media page and on our website. Our administrative colleagues will help you in drafting and sending this obituary. We can notify family members, friends, and acquaintances who live far away by delivering a Grievance Report even electronically.

Contact us with confidence, you can count on our support!

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